Engineering Materials & Approved Products (EMAP)

Engineering Materials & Approved Products (EMAP) Database


The EMAP database contains Engineering-controlled raw materials, products, and equipment required for LM Aero Engineering products for Ft Worth, Marietta, and Palmdale programs. External users access EMAP through Exostar authentication platform ( Each user must have their own Exostar credentials.

The EMAP database is not applicable to the F-16, F-2 and T-50 Programs.


Access to EMAP requires approval from an LM Aero Procurement Representative (Buyer or Supplier Quality Engineer). Please copy and paste the list below to an email adding the user’s information requested and send to the applicable Procurement Representative:

1. Company name and complete address
2. Company Exostar Organization ID
3. Requestor’s first and last name
4. Requestor’s Email address
5. Requestor’s Telephone number

The Procurement Representative ensures that a valid purchase order, request for proposal, or contract is in place, and that a valid Proprietary Information Agreement (PIA) or license agreement with the user’s company is in effect. Upon approval the Procurement Representative forwards the user’s information to the OARS Team ( to invite the user to EMAP and OARS through Exostar. Once the new user is invited, they can complete the application process in OARS, acknowledging they have received the EMAP training below.

EMAP Training

EMAP Training

EMAP questions may be directed to: